Canadian Journal of Occupational Health & Safety

Overview & Focus

The CSSE Canadian Journal of Occupational Health & Safety is a repository for solicited/unsolicited, non-peer reviewed and unedited articles from a variety of sources such as members, research institutions and academia, including Canadian, U.S. and international. This vehicle will showcase technical and subject matter papers, research presentations, etc.

The Journal will be published twice a year (first quarter and fourth quarter) in an online format only, distributed via broadcast email and available on the CSSE website. Articles will be published in the language in which they were written, although translation to English is highly recommended to reach a larger audience.

Content & Format

  • Provides in-depth, technical and leading-edge thinking via papers, theses and research presentations in the OHS field.
  • Fulfills a niche area for members and non-members who value technical information and/or have news, updates, service updates, etc. to share.
  • Expected to appeal to senior CSSE members and non-members, students writing papers, theses, etc. and the next generation of OHS professionals.
  • Exposes practitioners to leading-edge thinking and research in the academic and research communities.
  • Represents an advance understanding, likely to influence thinking in the field.

If you are interested in contributing to the CSSE Journal, please contact Renzo Pella at [email protected] .