18-Feb-2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Durham East - February 2022 Meeting

Durham East February 2022 Meeting

Date: Friday February 18,  2022
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location:  CSSE Durham East Chapter Meeting - February 18th
Friday, February 18 · 11:00am – 12:00pm EST
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ser-sogy-zsy
Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 289-336-9807‬ PIN: ‪400 121 000‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/ser-sogy-zsy?pin=7638153263732
Tova Larsen, B.Sc. (Hon)
Consultant Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)
A self-professed Xennial (Gen X and Millennial mix), Tova was raised by Boomer parents with help from Greatest Generation grandparents and surrounded by Gen X and Millennial cousins. Tova has been in the health and safety field for 15 years, in both private and public sectors, and holds a B.Sc. (Hon.) in Integrated Science with primary studies in Chemistry from Carleton, and OHS Certificate from Algonquin College. She is an active member of CSSE’s Eastern Ontario Chapter, an avid sailor, downhill skier, and a keen observer of sociological and economic influences on decision-making and behavior.

Session Overview:
Worldviews and Work Views: How Generations Develop and Why It Matters at Work
Demographic, economic, and sociological forces, unprecedented technological advances, and even shifts in educational theory have all radically shaped how the five generations in the workplace view the world and view work. In this session, we will discuss how and why these generations became who they are to build understanding and empathy for every generation, confront stereotypes and ageism head-on, and learn why not all the gaps we perceive as generational really are.
This should be a very informative session.
Please email me and I will send you the meeting invite. We hope you can join us!