Code of Ethics and Conduct

As a professional body, the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE) has a duty to provide guidance to its members on standards of behaviour and ethical conduct.

The CSSE Code of Ethics is a set of principles and guidelines for CSSE members to establish high standards of integrity in pursuing their professional duties and upholding the honour and dignity of the profession.

Members have an ethical responsibility to respect the integrity of their relationships with the Public, Employers and Clients, including Prospective Employers and Clients, other CSSE Members and the Society as well as other safety professionals.

With the public,

Members shall

  • hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and promote the value of the profession in protecting the public good

With employers and clients,

Members shall

  • represent their professional qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience openly and accurately
  • declare any potential or real conflict of interest and refrain from endeavours that abuse their professional affiliation and secure personal advantage
  • seek equal consideration of all valid points of view
  • provide accurate and independent advice and identify any limitations to proposed solutions
  • respect and maintain the client's or employer's confidentiality to the extent possible

In seeking employment,

Members shall

  • compete fairly and transparently with other Members, represent their own work and not discredit or reflect unfavourably on the work of other safety professionals

With other members and the society,

Members shall

  • demonstrate personal professional development and improvement by maintaining up-to-date professional skills
  • contribute to the exchange of knowledge, skills, and experience within the profession
  • uphold the professional reputation of other Members and also report inappropriate behaviour
  • truthfully represent their own work and acknowledge collaboration and external sources of information and guidance

Learn about our Ethics Complaint Procedure .