Alex Ethier

Candidate for Director at Large 

Alex Ethier is the founder of I M Safe Inc., a training and consulting company in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Through his years of occupational safety experience, he has developed a "keep it simple" approach to safety, focusing on training and helping workers and employers understand the "why" of safety. 

He holds Canadian Registered Safety Technician and National Construction Safety Officer designations.

Alex has served as the Regional Vice President for Manitoba-Saskatchewan since December 2020. He also served one year at the Manitoba Chapter as Secretary and four years as Chair of the Manitoba Chapter Board, and has held other positions within the chapter executive. Nationally, he has served on a number of committees, including the Communications Committee and Communications Task Force.

Alex teaches courses on numerous topics, including first aid, psychological first aid, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, and fall protection. He has developed online, blended, and classroom courses, and is a registered Certificate of Recognition and SafeWork auditor in Manitoba.

Alex’s primary focus as a Director at Large will be on using his expertise, honed by working with many other non-profit and volunteer organizations, to help the CSSE as it moves toward a new model of governance and structure. As a member of the CSSE for more than a decade, and someone who has been involved at many levels of the organization, Alex believes his understanding of and experience with the organization and its membership will be invaluable during this transition, as he can bring perspectives and opinions to the table that may not have been considered as yet in the structuring and development process. Alex is also keen to further develop his skills and experience and, potentially, move to a more senior director role within the CSSE in the future.