Barry Bynoe

Candidate for Vice President, Regional Affairs

Barry Bynoe began working at the Regional Municipality of Durham’s Works Department, Recycling Centre, in 1988, where he developed an interest in occupational health and safety. He retired in 2022 after many years as a corporate health and safety officer and Supervisor of Health, Safety & Wellness. In 2018, Barry started up a health and safety consultancy, Lighthouse Safety Solutions, which provides a full range of safety services. 

In 2002, Barry completed the Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety at Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University). That same year, Barry wrote his Canadian Registered Safety Professional designation. In 2003, he earned his Certified Health and Safety Consultant designation from the CSSE. 

Barry volunteered with the Ontario Municipal Health and Safety Representatives Association from 1998 to 2016, where he held the positions of Program Director, Vice Chair, and, eventually, the association’s longest-serving Chair. In 2016, Barry founded the Durham East chapter of the CSSE, where he served as Chair for three years. He stepped down from that role to become the Regional Vice President for CSSE Ontario & Quebec, and is the current Vice President of Regional Affairs. Barry was also Chair of the 2021 Awards Task Force.

Barry believes that “the best is yet to come” for the CSSE and, in that vein, his goal is to carry on with the important transitional work underway at the organization, ensuring the successful transition to regional chapters, local communities, and special interest groups. This will be achieved through enhancing the CSSE’s programming and increasing membership through collaboration with other professional organizations and post-secondary institutions across Canada. He also wants to help the CSSE preserve the local flavour of health and safety in Canadian communities, and to improve mentorship, professional development, and member value while supporting the strategic future of the organization.