Daryl McIntyre

Candidate for Director at Large

Daryl McIntyre is a Canadian Registered Safety Professional with more than 20 years of occupational safety and risk management experience. He specializes in the development and implementation of risk-based management systems for large mining organizations. Daryl began his career as a health, safety, and environmental coordinator, exploration, at FNX Mining Company in Sudbury, Ontario. Since 2009, he has worked as a consultant for clients in the mining and construction sectors in both Sudbury and across North America, including SNC Lavalin, KGHM International, and DMC Mining Services. 

Over the course of his career, Daryl has gained significant experience in risk management and facilitation, project execution planning, contractor management and administration, root cause incident analysis, management system and compliance auditing, and corporate leadership training. 

Daryl has been an active member of the CSSE for a number of years. He served as both the Chair and President of the Mid-North Ontario CSSE Chapter between 2016 and 2017. The organization has been an important part of Daryl’s professional success and ability to connect with other health and safety professionals. He also noted the positive influence that membership and involvement with the CSSE has on the development of safety professionals in Canada and how it contributes to the ways in which they help shape their own organizations’ culture. 

As the CSSE moves forward along its transitional path, Daryl is seeking to be an active part of that transformation. He wants to continue to help the CSSE enhance its role of helping health and safety professionals develop their skills and connect with like-minded individuals across the country through focusing on helping employers and organizations of all kinds recognize the value gained by investing time and resources toward the development of their safety practitioners through organizations like the CSSE.